2.5lb ABC Dry Chemical Fire Extinguisher
The Champion Pro 2.5 Fire Extinguisher is suitable for use on Class A (trash, wood & paper), Class B (liquids & gases) & Class C (energized electrical equipment) fuel. It is sized for your kitchen stove or BBQ.
This unit is fitted with an easy to read pressure gauge, and it is manufactured from lightweight aluminum cylinder & sturdy aluminum valve assembly.
- Multipurpose dry chemical
- Easy-to-pull stainless steel safety pin
- Rechargeable
- ULC rated 1-A:10-B:C
- 6 year limited warranty
- Tough impact resistant metal valve, handle & lever
- Powder coated cylinder for corrosion protection
- Supplied with vehicle bracket
Hands-On Training available with *Fire Extinguisher purchase.
Fire Extinguisher Service is available!

5lb ABC Dry Chemical Fire Extinguisher
The Champion Pro 5 Fire Extinguisher is suitable for use on Class A (trash, wood & paper), Class B (liquids & gases) & Class C (energized electrical equipment). It is considered a whole house Fire Extinguisher.
The unit is fitted with an easy to read pressure gauge and, it is manufactured from lightweight aluminum cylinder & sturdy aluminum valve assembly.
- Multipurpose dry chemical
- Easy-to-pull stainless steel safety pin
- Rechargeable
- ULC rated 3-A:40-B:C
- 6 year limited warranty
- Tough impact resistant metal valve, handle & lever
- Powder coated cylinder for corrosion protection
- Supplied with wall or vehicle bracket
Hands-On Training available with *Fire Extinguisher purchase.
Fire Extinguisher Service is available!

10lb ABC Dry Chemical Fire Extinguisher
The Champion Pro 10 Fire Extinguisher is suitable for use on Class A (trash, wood & paper), Class B (liquids & gases) & Class C (energized electrical equipment). It is best suited for your workshop.
The unit is fitted with an easy to read pressure gauge and, it is manufactured from lightweight aluminum cylinder & sturdy aluminum valve assembly.
- Multipurpose dry chemical
- Easy-to-pull stainless steel safety pin
- Rechargeable
- ULC rated 6-A:60-B:C
- 6 year limited warranty
- Tough impact resistant metal valve, handle & lever
- Powder coated cylinder for corrosion protection
- Supplied with wall bracket
Hands-On Training available with *Fire Extinguisher purchase.
Fire Extinguisher Service is available!
*Pick Up orders receive free training on the BullsEye™ Extinguisher Training System